Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Costumes in the Boston Marathon: The World Says Why Not?

I stay at my local track during the BMAR, far away from the traffic and power bar wrappers. If they ever have a Costume sub-group, I would consider entering, though I would have to be carried in a rickshaw or ride a bike. I'm actually not sure I could ride a bike for 26 miles. My nun's outfit would look good, though, I think, although it's easy to replicate and others could outdo me. To really do it right, I'd have to wear my Indian princess getup, and then there'd be no outdoing. I'm sorry to say it's quite tight under and around the arms, since my mother made it for me in third grade. Here it is.

Can you see the hand stitching? It must have come to the floor on me in third grade, but now it's a bit of a miniskirt, though tasteful in all respects (fabulous fringe at the hemline). Maybe I could put patches under the arms. OH YEAH, RIGHT. MAYBE I COULD TAKE UP NEEDLEPOINTING TOO. It wouldn't look bad with the girly shoes I just bought [see previous post, dear reader]. I should also show you that the costume features a red-skinned papoose that goes around the neck, which I don't think I would wear.

Too constricting and I would hate to be bothered by it on Heartbreak Hill. WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH THAT WOMAN?

The costume also has a squaw's headband, complete with long braids and feather. What do you think?

Can you see the feather? This is wrong on so many levels, including fashion, that I fear I'd better return this entire get-up to the closet.



Last round of papers coming in, dear reader. Should be some good bloops.
A bientot
The Girlfriend Cyber Circuit, a virtual tour for female authors, currently has openings. If you're a published author with a blog you might be eligible. Here's the link with more information:

Contact Karin Gillespie at kgillespie@knology.net if interested.


At 11:24 PM , Blogger sandman1 said...

I rarely see anyone raking any more -- instead they are always using 50-mph blowers and expensive gasoline to try to blast the leaves into submission. The leaves seem unfazed by this escalation. Brooms seem to be out of fashion too, so when it's time for someone to clean the winter sand off the parking lot, which would otherwise be cause for jubilation, the result instead is a sickening layer of grit on my nice car if I don't get it out of the way in time, which I never do...

I somehow suspect Native Americans didn't rake leaves, or grow lawns for that matter.

At 6:28 AM , Blogger Becky Willis Motew said...

I'm going to take that as permission not to rake today, sm. THank you.


At 12:13 AM , Blogger sandman1 said...

Oh it was much too nice today to rake. Probably will be again tomorrow. Might want to wait until the fall when it cools off again...

At 6:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry - raking is priority - Your neighbors need to know you value the neighborhood. Get out there and take care of that yard!


At 6:58 AM , Blogger Kay Cooke said...

That is a great costume! No wonder you've kept it.
Raking leaves is such an autumnal occupation ... the smell of burning leaves evokes childhood memories ... are there restrictions on burning leaves in backyards in your country too?

At 8:08 AM , Blogger Becky Willis Motew said...

Yes, CB, there are restriction, but you don't think I know them, do you? I don't do them in the fall, so they wait for me in the spring. It's a disgrace, of course.

Green Lawn, god, I hope you're not my neighbor. But if you are, them's the breaks.
Thanks for more permission, sm.



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