Friday, June 16, 2006

Thread Wrapping

Threads have to be wrapped up at the end and that's where I'm stuck today. I have to come up with a satisfying reason why a certain character has been acting a certain way.

I'm not an outline user. I pretty much paint myself into the corner on things and it's days like today that I regret it. BUT I WILL THINK OF SOMETHING. My fabulous writing partners are very helpful with stuff like this. We all try to do that for each other when we can.

In other news, I gained two pounds from my recent travels and though I had lost one of them yesterday, it was back on there this morning. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

I will say it again. My body wants to weigh two hundred pounds. It wants to. I have to fight tooth and nail and deprive myself of everything good in order for that not to happen. Okay, Okay, I'm feeling sorry for myself and I'll cut it out. But GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

Today is not a good day of writing. Today it is HARD WORK. Everything I do today may have to be deleted down the road.

But it's still a beautiful summer day so I am thankful.

A bientot


At 5:57 PM , Blogger Kay Cooke said...

It'll all come out in the wash (that's what my mother says anyway!)
Oh do I know the weight thing! My scales are wrong I just know they are! GRRRRR!


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